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Thursday, January 8, 2015


Like I was saying in the last post Rome was not build in a Day. There was dreaming, planning, action, and finally rest throughout the whole construction.

Let’s start with the DREAMING: What is your dream? Take a moment to fully think about what this is. It could be a simple dream to lose a little weight.  Maybe you want to stop surviving your days by false means (energy drinks, coffee, medications, alcohol). I think it’s time to share my dream with the world. Many know what it is because you have asked me about it. Some only assume to know.

From day one my dream has been to regain my Health. To give my body the best fighting chance. To stop allowing the World’s (Doctors, family, friends, strangers) opinions to have any claim in my life.

Be honest with yourself about what your dream is. Remember this world needs you. Without your Gifts this world is incomplete. 

 Once you know what your dream is then the planning starts.

Keep in mind why are you planning? To be more active remember you will not start running marathons on your first day.  Add 30 minutes of walking a day. You can walk through your lunch, after dinner. Make it a family adventure. Get the kids the husband involved. Make this one of the family activities. Healthy quality time. Not only are you doing something good for you but you are teaching your children a skill for their adulthood.
Maybe you are planning to eat healthier.  Cut down on sugars and I mean all sugars artificial sugar as well. Cut down on Caffeine intake (soda, coffee, energy drinks). Are you eating a lot of breads, pastas? Not to get confused here we are not just eliminating bad food but we are substituting for something good.

Lets break this down to a 4 week Pre-Juice Fast Prep.

Week One:
  1. ·         Drill it in your brain this is NOT A DIET IT’S A LIFESTYLE CHANGE
  2. ·         Make your list of reasons why you are making the change.
  3. ·         Start investing on the tools to help you achieve your goals.
  4. ·         Cut down on unhealthy foods (no fast foods) , sugars (fake sugars as well) , caffeine (energy drinks).
  5. ·         Add more vegetables to your diet.
  6. ·         Add more water intake (64 oz).
  7. ·         Add 30 minute walk every other day.
  8. ·         Find a support system.
  9. ·         Buy a journal (trust me you will thank me later), start using it.

Week Two:

  1. ·         Drill it in your brain this is NOT A DIET IT’S A LIFESTYLE CHANGE
  2. ·         Remind yourself the reasons why you are making this change
  3. ·         Have you use the tools you have gotten?
  4. ·         Start juicing one meal a day (you choose what meal that is)
  5. ·         No Fast foods, processed foods, sugars, caffeine
  6. ·         Cut down all animal protein. (chicken, beef, pork, sea food)  meaning no more than three meals in your week can be animal protein.
  7. ·         Add 98 oz of water to your day (lemon, applecider vinegar water)
  8. ·         Add 30 minute walks to your every day.
  9. ·         Are you using your journal

Week Three:

  1. ·         Drill it in your brain this is NOT A DIET IT’S A LIFESTYLE CHANGE
  2. ·         Remind yourself the reasons why you are making this change
  3. ·         Replacing two meals with Juices
  4. ·         One meal has to be plantbased protein
  5. ·         No animal protein, no fast food, no sugars, no coffee, no energy drinks, no processed foods
  6. ·         Add 128 oz water (one gallon) to your day (lemon, applecider vinegar water)
  7. ·         Add 1 hour walk to your day you can split it into two 30 minute walks
  8. ·         You should be writing in your journal any changes you feel, fears, questions

Week Four:
  1. ·         Drill it in your brain this is NOT A DIET IT’S A LIFESTYLE CHANGE
  2. ·         Remind yourself the reasons why you are making this change
  3. ·         Replacing two meals with Juices
  4. ·         Your one meal let it be soft foods (plant based protein, ex. Soup)
  5. ·         If you are still snacking in between meals, they should be all plant based snacks.
  6. ·         No animal protein, no fast food, no sugars, no coffee, no energy drinks, no processed foods
  7. ·         Add 128 oz water (one gallon) to your day (lemon, applecider vinegar water)
  8. ·         Add 1 hour walk to your day you can split it into two 30 minute walks  (get a pedometer) start going for distance 1-5 miles.
  9. ·         You should be writing in your journal any changes you feel, fears, questions
  10. ·         At end of week four get on the scale, also measure yourself. Put it in your journal. (after that Hide your scale)

It may seem like  a lot at first but remember it's one step at a time. If you need to spend more time getting ready then do it. The important thing is to make it work for you. If you have to spend an extra week on week 2 that's is perfectly ok. Repetition creates a good habit.

I'll leave you with one of me favorite verses. I can tell you it has been my mantra through it all. When I was learning how to walk three years ago I would repeated under my breath. when you struggle say it out loud. Close your eyes and feel our Abba Father's strength fill your being. 

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