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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy New Year 2013, make the change, make this year count for something....

There have been many years I would hate the sound of "New Year's Resolutions".. All I heard was "How do you plan to fail this year!" Maybe I'm getting wiser in my years. This year I'm making a declaration. I DECLARE I will not just survive; I will thrive! I will prosper despite every difficulty that may come my way. I know every setback is a setup for a comeback. I will not get stagnant, give up on my dreams, or settle where I am. I know one touch of God's favor can change everything.  I'm ready for a year of blessings and a year of thriving!

I choose not to focus on my self or my circumstances. My trust is on God, his blessings, his promises, and his truth. I'm finding that the more I follow these simple steps, I find freedom, and rest in my daily life.

You are probably sitting there saying.. " yeah that is going to last only a week tops."

I have experience in the past few years, that as long as my eyes stay on God and him only. Everything falls in place as it should be.

*****I will Accomplish this in 2013*****
  • I will set time for Daily prayer
  • I will enjoy nature on a daily basis
  • I will make my health a priority (physical,emotional,spiritual)
  • I will Live life to its fullest
  • I will allow my self be silly (every day)
  • I will share my Blessings and my talents
  • I will share God's truth to all I meet
 Blessings! Idalia G.

Praying everyone had an Amazing Christmas. We had a blessed time with our Family and friends. This year I did something different than other years. I usually  write out a list for Santa, and hope Santa sees I have been good during the year. This year a month before Christmas, there was a sermon at Church that really made me think. It made me see Christmas in a whole new way, and Wonder why I had not noticed how I saw things. The point was made that some of us see God as we see Santa. we make a list (check list), we check it twice, and he (God) see if we have been naughty or nice, then he gives us our gifts accordingly. I sat there just in Awe. How could I think God was Santa. How could I have deceived my self into believing that.So this year instead of making a Santa letter I made a God letter.

My letter was more of Gratitude for all the Blessings that have been given to us this year. For our Health, Our Love, our Family. I gave thanks for the wisdom he gives me everyday to make better choices in our lives. I gave thanks for future blessings that will come in his time not ours. Let me tell you this simple but very powerful act made a huge difference on how I saw this years Christmas. I was able to fully enjoy and celebrate the reason for the season. 

We still have one more Christmas Family dinner. As you are able to sit and relax from all the craziness. Take a moment to pray for all those who are not able to be with family or loved ones. Pray for Healing and transformation in your life. Not just physical healing but healing in your heart. Pray for Freedom so your soul can have some rest.

Again I pray you enjoy the best present of all, God's Love..... Blessings Idalia G.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

20/30 stopping at day 20..

20/30.. You would think that at 20 days I would say something negative about this experience, but I have learned so much about my self during this time that it's just not possible. I've had so many health scares and problems that I had no confidence in anything not even my self. I could tell my self  "I can do this, God is with me", everyday and most days would work but there were times that I just didn't allow my self to believe it.

I have struggled most of my life with weight issues which turned into an eating disorder. From eating enough, to not eating, eating with fear, to Living in FEAR. I have grown more in the past 20 days than in the past 35 years of my life. I see miracles everyday. I am a walking Miracle, but so are YOU! Yes you reading this You are a miracle, what you have been through, your experiences, have all made you the person you are. Just because those things make you who you are they DO NOT DEFINE who you are, or who you will be in the future.
 I am not my mistakes,  My sickness, My failures, or my successes.


I hear this every week, sometimes twice a day: "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I've learned that if I want to see change in my life I had to change. I have been Transforming from the inside and out. I know my journey has just started. I can honestly tell you I am Excited about my future. Life has been so uncertain these past few years and for the first time I am not AFRAID.

Thinking about breaking the fast by Thursday....... well see I'm just going to go with what ever happens. I feel really good, I've dropped some of the weight I had gained due to the medications. I have a different Mind set and my husband also has a different mind set ( Thank you God for that). I have no joint pain, not taking any pain killers, no sleeping pills, no anxiety pills, no other pills to cover all the other effects of taking pills ( vicious cycle). Not thinking of stopping juicing, but going back to a vegan/ pant base diet ( will try to give up on sea food but that is kind of hard for me).  Mentally I'm feeling great. I know I can go on for the next 10 more days. I have proven to my self that food is not in control of me any more. I'm also no longer afraid of food as I was in the past........ still thinking, Will make a decision come Thursday.

Chewing has been on my mind, so Juiced flavored Ice cubes. Thank you God for giving the wisdom to make them.

Having a good day today, looking at recipes for Thanksgiving. I have two dinners to get ready for and so excited about both.

nieces & nephew
Saw this picture of my Nieces and Nephew today, time sure flies if you want it or not. Jasmine the oldest is 10 almost 11 and her whole life she has seen me in or out of a hospital. Even when she was in her Momma's belly she spent a night at the hospital after my First Surgery. She was 2 1/2 when I had my second surgery and when I started having all my complications. Jessica is 6 almost 7 and her Brother is a little over 1. I know they have good memories of us together. Like the Horrible Pancakes I made for them this summer. To making Tamales and Tortillas on the holidays. But I know one of the memories they have is seeing me in the hospital this last time and seeing everyone scared of what was going to happen.

Last Thanksgiving was Amazing Mom got to join us. We were a Family for the first time in a long time. Dad was not physically there ( his ashes were lol) but boy I felt him there every second. I tried to be brave and tried to hide the fact that I was so ill. I was the huge elephant in the room (literally). Not this year. I have been praying on when to break the fast. and my answer came when a friend send me this picture today.
Me @ spirit Fest 2012

See me there? yes the Girl full of Life! Not just happy but see the JOY, That's what I want my Loved one to remember. Me Living life to the fullest. So the decision has been made to stop the 100% juice fast but not the Journey...... stay tuned for more adventures for this Dancing Green Frog!

Monday, November 19, 2012

19/30....Monday,... Oh wonderful Monday!

Plenty of juice in case the bug wants to come back

19/30..Happy Monday!

Trying Collard Greens in my Juice today

This is my plan today. To make today Ridiculously Amazing! I've had plenty of rest. I have a play date with my boys this morning... The possibilities of what we can get into. Actually I think it will be  a good day to start making some things to give as Christmas Presents, and the Boys will have a blast getting dirty.
made Bird Feeders, fridge magnets, and special wall surprise

We all had fun mixing and getting the bird feeders done. they had more fun with the salt dough, especially when I showed them you could shape it like playdooh. One thing I learned today was never pick up a child when their hands are full of flour. Those cute little hands  will end up on you.  yup Jacob got me right on my face. Even one of the dogs had flour on her. I call that a successful play date.

How to make Bird Feeders how to make salt dough

Mid afternoon and no sigh of the bug that had bothered me yesterday (thanking God for that). Not tired, no chills, no fever, no aches, no tummy issues, not dehydrated. Feeling really good.

Meatless Monday: For the Hubby tonight. Trying out a new Multigrain Pasta, loaded with protein and Omega 3's. Made a Spicy Garlic Tomato Cream sauce ( coconut milk, coconut oil, nutritional yeast, Garlic Chili paste). The Side vegetables are Butternut Squash, Collard Greens seasoned with Chinese Five spice (coconut oil,coconut milk, garlic,Serrano peppers,onion, tomatoes). Husband cleaned his plate again. He is not even asking whats on the plate any more, lol. But is noticing that there is new things and new flavors.

As I was prepping dinner I saved a couple of things to try to give them a second chance at a life. Hoping that in a few weeks I start seeing roots and I can replant.

Napa cabbage (left), Romaine Lettuce (Right)
So far my two Pineapple plants are still doing good but no roots yet. 15 plants you can re-grow from scraps. Got a busy morning tomorrow, Hubby has doctor appointment which means we both go to bed early tonight. Praying everyone had a wonderful Monday. Only a few more days till the Holiday. Time for Family and Friends. Make the best of it. I pray that you are not stressing on the cooking or on the family time. Enjoy every second of it. Blessings!

18/30 under the weather.

18/30... Not feeling so good today. Woke up around 4am with a fever, tummy issues, and vomiting. Not sure where I got the bug  but hope it does not stay long. staying hydrated.

Broke the fever around 2pm, Been sipping on green juice loaded with garlic, Cayenne,  and turmeric. Got some Organic low sodium Miso soup. also made a batch of organic vegetable broth. Been sleeping most of the day, which I think my body is been needing the rest.

6:00pm, no more aches, no more sniffles, no more fever. Thanks to this bug I was able to enjoy a very lazy Sunday. Not to mention I have been pampered by the husband all day.  I think that the fact that I have been juicing for the past 18 days and have not been consuming junk, is what made this bug not stay any longer.

At the Emmaus Gathering last night, a sweet friend from my Emmaus walk gave me some Beef tamales. Which have become dinner for Mike today. Making my night even easier than I could of hoped for. Feeling Blessed and Loved. I cannot ask for more.. Another day down... Glad I did not broke the fast out of fear this morning. I am Fully Relying in God's Strength.....

pan fried Beef tamales in Coconut oil.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

17/30 exploring with the hubby kind of day!

17/30...Happy Lazy, Relaxing Saturday. We have no agenda, no commitments, Just enjoy each others company. Do not have to worry about juicing today. I had enough Juice made to last me until tonight. We were able to sleep in, boy! did that feel goood.

I'm not sure if its because people are actually seeing a physical change, but I seem to be getting more comments regarding my fast. Is it safe, how do you know you are not going to end up in the hospital? I have to take their concern in a positive way. I am loved and well they  are concern about my health I understand that.  I have done my research. I am doing Green Juices not fruit juices (95% leafy green vegetables 5% fruit). I am getting more protein a day than most people eating normally.I am getting more nutrition than the average person. I am not eating processed foods which means I am not stressing my body. I am not drinking any caffeine, or high sugar drinks. No sodas, alcohol, wine, or anything with carbonation. I am exercising at least an hour every day (low impact). If there is any questions I will gladly try to answer any concerns.
Exploring our local Indian store
We both a Juice drink, saving mine for after fast.

Mike found a new restaurant, Korean/Mexican Burrito place. It smelled so good, and the burrito was huge
Hair is still doing it's thing, so in a hat it went. I decided to take a silly picture as I was waiting to go to a Emmaus Gathering Meeting. It was so good to see people I had not seen since my Walk this summer. The fellowship was awesome. I call today another successful day. De Colores!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

15/30 Halfway there!!!

15/30....Ok first join me in a 30 second Happy Dance.............................. Yes Thank you Father this success is all your doing no way I could of done it with out your strength. Time to tell you what I have learned in this first 15 days.
1. Have a strong support system. Even if your loved ones don't fully understand what you are doing, it is important that you have positive people around you.
2. Plan, Prep, and Repeat. always have extra juice prep. Plan for the unexpected to happen. Life does not stop because you are fasting.
3. Journal your process. It's important for you to get all your thoughts out of your head.
4. DO NOT STOP LIVING LIFE. It is very important that you incorporate your new healthy life style in your daily life. It's not a diet. Always remember that.
5. Write down the WHY? post it in areas where you will see it through out the day. My Why? I am WORTH IT!
6. Celebrate every second of your journey. Those celebrations will get you through the rough spots.
7. Listen to your Body. If you take the time to listen you will start to understand what your body is telling you.
8. Rest. Your calorie intake is lower than what you are normally used to. Until your body can adjust after the initial detox. Plan on taking naps during the day.
9.Drink lots of water. If you feel hungry it is most likely because your body is dehydrated. so, drink away. make juice ice cubes to give your water flavor and add a little sugar.
10. you must have 64oz minimum of Juice a day.not just fruit based juices but keep it at a 90% leafy greens, other vegetables, 10% fruit.

Day 15, I'm still having very vivid dreams but they are not bothering me as much as the first ones did. Even though the weather has changed here in Texas, I'm having no joint pain. I have not noticed any swelling in my legs, ankles, hands or Fingers. I am sleeping through the night. Only waking up to use the restroom once or twice (depending on how late I took my last drink of water) .  Some of my skin sores (due to vitamin deficiency) are staring to blend in ( I will have to get someone to take some pictures of them so show progress, not sure if I'm ready for this).
This shirt is going into the donation pile by my front door, I had not noticed how much it looks like a hospital gown,,,,EEECCCKKKKK!

I got a call from our Landlord that our House is getting appraised for a refinance, what does that mean for me, simple CLEAN.... Last year I would of cried my eyes out feeling so overwhelmed for not being able to do anything. I think I would of probably hired someone to come in and just burn everything and call it a day. I am so Thankful I was able to get upstairs clean and organized, did the downstairs floors, Cleaned the kitchen. I only have our master bedroom, downstairs bathroom, I will attack those tomorrow morning. Husband was so sweet and got into the action of it all and cleaned out parts of the garage that really needed to be organized.

After laughing about the way we both looked, and just from the simple fact that we were both doing something so mundane  as cleaning and enjoying every second of it. We are both just so Happy to be healthy to enjoy the simple things. (God you are so good to us).

I pray that you too find the joy to enjoy the simple things. That you have a partner to cherish every day with. Blessings! Idalia G

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

14/30 Happy Wednesday!

14/30....Wednesday mornings are usually very busy for me. I made sure today Juicing was not going to be part of the busy equation. I opted to juice last night to make sure there was not going to be a lot of chaos and running around. Let me tell you if you know you are going to be busy you need to plan and prepare to have a successful day. I'm having very vivid dreams not sure if that's part of the fast. I see it as my mind and spirit going through it' own Detox process.

Bible study today was as wonderful as always. I love the small group of ladies that have come together. Today I did find my mind wondering a bit. Not just to the dreams, To-Do lists, and just plain unimportant stuff. I feel there's a shift happening. My Mind is trying to figure it all out, trying to find the logic of what is happening. Praying & trusting God in this journey.

When I feel I can't keep my mind present in the moment I turn to music. Music that can center me and remind me of who I really am. As I was  cleaning and prepping dinner Pandora on my phone had a mini Salvador Concert. Then I switched it to Kids Worship Music. That always brings joy to the day.

Tried something new for Mike's dinner... Made Shrimp & Rainbow Quinoa in a Bumbu Bali Sauce, Roasted Yucca Roots covered in Almond Cheddar Cheese, side Romain Lettuce. The house smells so good. The important thing Mike cleaned his plate, didn't notice the coconut oil,coconut milk, Dairy Free/ Gluten Free dinner complete success!

Aside from Having very interesting dreams, (not sure what that is all about). No pain, no hunger, staying hydrated. Had fun in the kitchen, it's bothering me less and less but I keep my juice very close by. I call this another successful day. Blessings!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

13/30 making this day a lucky one.

13/30.. Almost half way to my initial goal!! some are scared of this number 13 but as of today it shall be a lucky number. It's starting to get cold here in Texas, for the first time in over 11 years I can actually tell you I'm LOVING this cold weather. I don't feel like my bones are breaking, or that I have to boil my self in a bath tub to try to find some comfort at least three times a day. I really need to stop making good food for the hubby I almost gave in to the mushroom dish last night it smelled and looked so good. But I have to remember the why of this... My Health so there is a lot more mushroom dishes I can enjoy with the Hubby.
using the mushroom stems in today's juice
When husband saw the Veggie bowl  he said " Wow that's one Funky looking salad you got going". Got a really good deal on a pineapple the other day only .50 cents. decided to try to make a 2nd pineapple plant. there still no roots coming out on the first one. Also use the peels of the lemons and oranges to make more citrus flowers for the potpourri baskets I'm making for Christmas Gifts.

2nd pineapple plant in the making
made a few more citrus Flowers

Had a late lunch today, and noticed that after trying to use the flat iron my hair is still being stubborn and doing its own thing. I did notice in this picture my face is starting to change a little more. Even though hair is being stubborn is getting fuller, my nails are also longer and stronger. That is an awesome sign of me being able to absorb my nutrients. For that God I am so thankful.

I always try to keep in mind that quitting is not an option, that if I want my dreams to come true I have to keep moving even if at times it seems like I'm going backwards. I have learn that slow and steady is better than not moving at all.

I try to stay centered by reading my Bible as well as doing weekly Bible studies. This gives me strength as well as makes me grow in my faith. When I have those moments of weakness is what reminds me of who I am in Christ and stop believing the lies.

I have been afraid of winter for so long, that I seem to be on alert to something happening. Meaning me getting sick. As I was doing my study this morning I actually open my bible on this passage : Jeremiah 30:17 "For I will restore health unto you, and I will heal you of your wounds, saith the Lord."

I'm not sure if its the time of the year, Holidays are just around the corner. I know this year they are going to be different and I think that has me reflecting on the past, present, and future.

For Mike's dinner I'm trying out a new spaghetti we got, multi-grain pasta with added omega 3's, I also have left over spare ribs so will sauteed them with some green beans and serve them with a side salad. Everything looks goods and smells great, just waiting on my tester to get home to try it out and adjust seasonings.

Day 13 of this 30 day fast I'm still feeling really good, no pain, no real hunger, staying hydrated. Emotionally still feeling strong. I really believe it's because I have a very good support system. Also writing this blog is helping to get things out of my head. Thank you for reading all my ramblings, I pray that in all of the things I say and share you find answers to some of your own questions. Blessings!