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Friday, January 9, 2015


Congratulations for loving yourself enough to make your health a priority. One of the hardest things in life is to put your own needs first. In our society we are always told not to be selfish. Well there comes a point in our life especially to those of us who are always the caregivers, that we have to put our self's first to be able to continue providing care to our loved ones. God is doing new things in your life.  you may feel like no matter what you have done you end up walking up hill. So I want you to keep this verse in mind "He is making a road in your wilderness and rivers in your desert" (see Isa 43:19). So now lets dig in to your first week of this journey.

Week One:

  1. ·         Drill it in your brain this is NOT A DIET IT’S A LIFESTYLE CHANGE

    The difference between a Diet mentality and a Lifestyle mentality is a matter of how you see it. I see a diet as rules that need to be followed for a period of time. To me a Diet has an expiration date. Now the way I see a lifestyle change gives you a different perceptive on the world.  How you see your food options, are they taking your life or are they giving you life.  I can tell you this was a huge AHA! moment for me, It has saved me heartache, pain and disappointment. It's time to start Living the life you were born to live.

  1. ·         Make your list of reasons why you are making the change.


    Keep your reasons in your mind, write them down, put them somewhere you will see them through out your day. Share them with your loved ones, get them involved in your journey. Why? well because we are human and life happens. You will need this little reminders as to why you made the lifestyle change. you need that encouragement to keep going. You need to put a picture to the reward for all your hard work.  
  1. ·         Start investing on the tools to help you achieve your goals.
Masticating Juicer, Firm toothbrush (will help you clean it), apple cider vinegar, black strap molasses, Wheatgrass powder, 2 oz Tupperware containers (for traveling ), 16 oz  mason jars wide mouth with  lids. Insulated lunch bag. You have to keep in mind even though you have made a change the rest of the world has not.  Life does not stop as you fast  you are still to live life. What this means is that you will travel with your juice, snacks, and some tools to insure that you are successful.
  1. ·         Cut down on unhealthy foods (no fast foods) , sugars (fake sugars as well) , caffeine (energy drinks).

   This is where the real  work starts. Time to start eliminating all the bad habits out of our daily day.  If you find your self eating out, on the drive through on your lunch time, maybe waiting in line for a cup of coffee, or you look down at your shopping cart and see all processed foods and sugar filled foods. This is it say I do not need you anymore. Trust me I still have days where I stumble but I get back up and try again. The way I see food now is "are you giving me life or are you taking it from me".
  1. ·         Add more vegetables to your diet.

      How many vegetables are out there that you have never even tried? this change is not about taking things away , it's about adding good things in. There is more vegetables than potatoes and corn. start looking at protein dense vegetables, protein dense grains. Enjoy the adventure. Have fun exploring all the different flavors. 
  1. ·         Add more water intake (64 oz).

 Stay hydrated, your body needs water just as much as we need oxygen. keep a 32 oz bottle with you at all times. you can label it like the picture to help you keep you on track. If you have a smart phone there are apps you can use as well that will remind you to take a drink and will keep you on track.
  1. ·         Add 30 minute walk every other day.

  The key here is to start moving. When you go to the grocery store park as far away from the front door, Use the stairs instead of the elevator (yes it will take you longer). Walk around the block, take a walk during your breaks at work, do a scavenger hunt with the kids.
  1. ·         Find a support system.
  This is very important for your success. Get your your family to cheer you on, they dont have to understand all of it but the one thing they need to understand is that you are doing this for you. Have a friend you can talk to on those moments you feel weak. But also those moments where you need to celebrate a victory.
  1. ·         Buy a journal (trust me you will thank me later), start using it.
          This is important because it will allow you to get all the crazy noise out of your head into paper. put your fears, questions down on paper. Do not let then make a home in your mind.

  Now lets have some fun and enjoy this new adventure, remember you were not given a spirit of fear, or anxiety. You were given a spirit of Peace, Love and understanding.

Thursday, January 8, 2015


Like I was saying in the last post Rome was not build in a Day. There was dreaming, planning, action, and finally rest throughout the whole construction.

Let’s start with the DREAMING: What is your dream? Take a moment to fully think about what this is. It could be a simple dream to lose a little weight.  Maybe you want to stop surviving your days by false means (energy drinks, coffee, medications, alcohol). I think it’s time to share my dream with the world. Many know what it is because you have asked me about it. Some only assume to know.

From day one my dream has been to regain my Health. To give my body the best fighting chance. To stop allowing the World’s (Doctors, family, friends, strangers) opinions to have any claim in my life.

Be honest with yourself about what your dream is. Remember this world needs you. Without your Gifts this world is incomplete. 

 Once you know what your dream is then the planning starts.

Keep in mind why are you planning? To be more active remember you will not start running marathons on your first day.  Add 30 minutes of walking a day. You can walk through your lunch, after dinner. Make it a family adventure. Get the kids the husband involved. Make this one of the family activities. Healthy quality time. Not only are you doing something good for you but you are teaching your children a skill for their adulthood.
Maybe you are planning to eat healthier.  Cut down on sugars and I mean all sugars artificial sugar as well. Cut down on Caffeine intake (soda, coffee, energy drinks). Are you eating a lot of breads, pastas? Not to get confused here we are not just eliminating bad food but we are substituting for something good.

Lets break this down to a 4 week Pre-Juice Fast Prep.

Week One:
  1. ·         Drill it in your brain this is NOT A DIET IT’S A LIFESTYLE CHANGE
  2. ·         Make your list of reasons why you are making the change.
  3. ·         Start investing on the tools to help you achieve your goals.
  4. ·         Cut down on unhealthy foods (no fast foods) , sugars (fake sugars as well) , caffeine (energy drinks).
  5. ·         Add more vegetables to your diet.
  6. ·         Add more water intake (64 oz).
  7. ·         Add 30 minute walk every other day.
  8. ·         Find a support system.
  9. ·         Buy a journal (trust me you will thank me later), start using it.

Week Two:

  1. ·         Drill it in your brain this is NOT A DIET IT’S A LIFESTYLE CHANGE
  2. ·         Remind yourself the reasons why you are making this change
  3. ·         Have you use the tools you have gotten?
  4. ·         Start juicing one meal a day (you choose what meal that is)
  5. ·         No Fast foods, processed foods, sugars, caffeine
  6. ·         Cut down all animal protein. (chicken, beef, pork, sea food)  meaning no more than three meals in your week can be animal protein.
  7. ·         Add 98 oz of water to your day (lemon, applecider vinegar water)
  8. ·         Add 30 minute walks to your every day.
  9. ·         Are you using your journal

Week Three:

  1. ·         Drill it in your brain this is NOT A DIET IT’S A LIFESTYLE CHANGE
  2. ·         Remind yourself the reasons why you are making this change
  3. ·         Replacing two meals with Juices
  4. ·         One meal has to be plantbased protein
  5. ·         No animal protein, no fast food, no sugars, no coffee, no energy drinks, no processed foods
  6. ·         Add 128 oz water (one gallon) to your day (lemon, applecider vinegar water)
  7. ·         Add 1 hour walk to your day you can split it into two 30 minute walks
  8. ·         You should be writing in your journal any changes you feel, fears, questions

Week Four:
  1. ·         Drill it in your brain this is NOT A DIET IT’S A LIFESTYLE CHANGE
  2. ·         Remind yourself the reasons why you are making this change
  3. ·         Replacing two meals with Juices
  4. ·         Your one meal let it be soft foods (plant based protein, ex. Soup)
  5. ·         If you are still snacking in between meals, they should be all plant based snacks.
  6. ·         No animal protein, no fast food, no sugars, no coffee, no energy drinks, no processed foods
  7. ·         Add 128 oz water (one gallon) to your day (lemon, applecider vinegar water)
  8. ·         Add 1 hour walk to your day you can split it into two 30 minute walks  (get a pedometer) start going for distance 1-5 miles.
  9. ·         You should be writing in your journal any changes you feel, fears, questions
  10. ·         At end of week four get on the scale, also measure yourself. Put it in your journal. (after that Hide your scale)

It may seem like  a lot at first but remember it's one step at a time. If you need to spend more time getting ready then do it. The important thing is to make it work for you. If you have to spend an extra week on week 2 that's is perfectly ok. Repetition creates a good habit.

I'll leave you with one of me favorite verses. I can tell you it has been my mantra through it all. When I was learning how to walk three years ago I would repeated under my breath. when you struggle say it out loud. Close your eyes and feel our Abba Father's strength fill your being. 

Thing you need before starting a Juice Fast/ Detox

 There are several things that you must purchase before starting a Juicefast.  You will find that in the preparation is your success.  In this post I will share some of the Items that are important to my success.

First we shall start with the type of Juicer I use. 

Masticating juicers, meanwhile, typically have a horizontal design in which a tube containing the auger extends out of motorized base. Pieces of fruits and vegetables are pushed into the top of the tube, and they are crushed and squeezed by the auger. Juice drains out of the underside of the tube, while the pulp is squeezed out at the end of the tube. Because of the slower crushing and squeezing action, masticating juicers can process leafy greens and wheatgrass, and the juice that they produce will last much longer than juice made in a centrifugal juicer, which should be consumed right away as it starts losing nutrients nearly immediately. Masticating juicers are pricier than centrifugal models.
Second: Mason Jars with Lids

I choose 16 oz Jars with Wide mouth, I can use this lids on larger jars.

  I Have an intake of 64 oz a day of Juice on a normal day .  but if its busy I allow my self  16 oz more depending on the activity level.
If freeze your juices you have to remember not fill to the top. See the rubber band you should never go above that line or you will find that your jars will break. I do not allow my juice to freeze longer than 5 days at a time.

Tutorial on how to Freeze liquid into mason jars

Third: You need to realize there will be a Detox period.

Acute Acne/Skin Breakouts
Gas & Bloating:
Constipation and/or Diarrhea:
Brain Fog:
Fatigue & Low Energy:
Headaches/Body Aches:
Headaches/Body Aches:

The first three days will be the hardest. On day 5 you will feel relief, your face will have a natural glow. On day 10 you will be on a natural high. Your ability to be victorious over this fast is in your ability to stay positive, strong and with options at times of need. 

To help with headaches I drink 32 oz Water with  2 oz Apple cider Vinegar,  1 tablespoon Cayenne pepper. 1 tablespoon Blackstrap molasses, the juice of one whole lemon.

Fourth: You need Herbal Hot tea

One thing to remember is that Rome was not built on a day. This transformation you are about to start will take a lot of work, dedication, commitment and most of all patience. If you have a bad day just start again. Remember why you are doing this.